Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Jelly Stars

This is "Jelly Stars," a very large quilt made from a Fig & Plum jelly roll, . The fabric and pattern are from Fig Tree Quilts . The pattern was very complicated and I honestly didn't think those diamonds were going to fit together but they did! You may not be able to tell but it is a four-block quilt. I am going to need to recruit an extra pair of hands to take a proper picture.
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  1. What a lovely lovely quilt!! I can't imagine the time that one took to piece. Your colors are lovely too.

  2. Thats so so so pretty!! It looks so soft and sweet! Love it! Libby

  3. Wow! That does look like a difficult quilt! Congratulations on finishing it. It is very beautiful.

  4. Very nice, pretty blog too!

  5. Oh, thats really a nice Quilt - I like these "star-patterns". And your blog is very beautiful too.
    Have a nice day,
